Kids Clothes Week: Alpine Punk

By ari - April 22, 2013

Kids Clothes Week! It started today for me {in Australia}, and let me tell you, cutting things out ahead of time sure does make sewing speedy! Today I managed to sew a few things, but only got to take photos of these two pieces!

The Arsenic Tee
Inspired by this picture, I use Rae's Flashback Skinny Tee pattern to make this shirt for Vincent. I used an oatmeal coloured fabric I had in my stash, probably bought from a second-hand store here. I really love the fabric, I was going to make some sort of mummy wraps-style shirt, but then this just happened instead.

The Sleeves are set in, but the shoulders are cut like a raglan style {think baseball tees}. I used fake leather for the shoulders, they're nice and soft, and then added three studs on each shoulder.

 The sleeves are a bit too skinny for Vince's arms, I think when I drafted out the size 4 pattern I didn't do the sleeve right? Anyway the length is great, he is supposed to be size 3, but size 4 shirts are fitting him better and better so I suppose I better just accept the fact that he is size 4 now! {He will be 4 in a few weeks!}. The fabric has great stretch to it, and I love all the little flecks in it. I used to have a pair of stockings in this kind of colour when I was little and my mum always called them our 'oatmeal' stockings.

Alpine Hosh Pants
These used to be a pair of leggings that my mum bought me when I was pregnant. They were ridiculous. Cute and warm but didn't stretch very much at all! I rarely wore them because they were very uncomfortable. Which sucked hardcore since I really loved the print on them and the knit feel they had.

I cut them up and made them into a pair of Hosh pants for Vincent. I did them up in a size 3. Lately I have been skipping the adjustable elastic in the waistband, and sewing up a full waistband for them, then stitching elastic in the back piece of it. Lazy, cutting corners, sounds like me! They're quite comfortable on him, and he liked them a lot. At risk of sounding like a broken record {no Sarah doesn't pay me to speak about her patterns, I just do it because I genuinely love them!}, this pattern rules. I have a few more Hosh pants cut out, then I'm giving a few vintage patterns a spin. Why fix something that isn't broken though? Hosh Pants fo' lyfe!

His boots are a size too big, but are from Pumpkin Patch {they were on sale. I really do not shop there unless there is a sale!}

That's what I have to show you today, I will show you the things I made Edison tomorrow! You can also check out my past Kids Clothes Week efforts here

I dunno

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