Four Eyes!

By ari - April 04, 2013

When I fell pregnant with Edison, all of a sudden I could hardly see. I couldn't read menus at cafes, I couldn't read street signs, and I definitely couldn't find Tim in a crowd... Or the car. I couldn't even read the subtitles on our giant tv, from 2m away.

This led to some pretty humiliating moments, I waved to a LOT of strangers and walked up to a LOT of wrong cars.

After Eddie was born I went and got my eyes tested, and because I've never worn glasses before the full strength of my lenses made me sooo dizzy. But the world was SO clear!! So I got half-strength prescriptions put in, and I was able to SEE THINGS!

Coincidentally, shortly after I forked out over $400 on a pair of glasses (the only frames I liked were Ralph Lauren)(its okay I got insurance), I was contacted by Firmoo!

I'd heard about them before, through a few other blogs I had read, so I was pretty excited to try them out for myself. Firmoo is an online glasses company. You can buy fashion frames, for you guys who like to pretend you need glasses but you don't ;) ! And you can also, I was happy to discover, get your prescription lenses in any of the frames!

I browsed for a little while, but headed right to the "wayfarer" style section. This has always been my favourite style of glasses, and because I already had an all black pair I decided my Firmoo glasses would be my fun pair.

Bam. I found these bad boys. I didn't hesitate to choose the blue-armed ones, and after pulling out my prescription from the optometrist & entering it, my order was placed!

It didn't take long for them to arrive, and they came in a nice hard case. Inside was some spare screws, as well as the GREATEST GLASSES CLEANING CLOTH I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED. This thing is always on the windowsill for cleansing my glasses, whichever pair I use. Seriously you should get some Firmoo glasses just for the cloth!

In comparison to my Ralph Lauren glasses, my Firmoo glasses are:
• less expensive
• lighter to wear (I don't get headaches wearing them)
• fun & colorful!
• the prescription is dead-on perfect!

The only thing I don't *love* is the part that sits on the sides of the bridge of your nose is a lot more noticeable than my Ralph Lauren glasses. That is really the only con!

Here's the coolest part of this whole story:

Want some FREE glasses of your own?

You can choose the frames or sunglasses, for free!! You only have to pay for shipping, but everything else they take care of!

Uh yeh, pretty rad!

Check out all the details here and choose your favourite pair!

I just saw a pair with checked arms...

(I *just* got an email about a giveaway they're doing if you like them on fb & twitter. They're giving away 100 pairs of glasses & free shipping... Guys get onto it!)

Edison & I shopping at Lincraft!

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  1. Thanks! My husband needs glasses and it's always nice to find a new place that has awesome ones!

  2. Oh man I just spent $465 on new glasses :(
    Will definitely check them out for sunnies though :)

  3. my glasses went up 2 strengths when I had Tilly, and damnnn I just got 2 new pairs of glasses. I will have a look anyway!


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