Betty California: Up-Cycled Herb Pots

By ari - July 07, 2012

My little sister Betty is my best friend. She is absolutely amazing. We always played together when we were little, and when we were older we did still did everything together. Sure, we have our fights, and they are INTENSE, but an hour later we always act like nothing has happened and we keep on with life. We never hold grudges against each other, and I think that is really important. I miss her a lot, she still lives in Brisbane which is an hour and a half away, but her and her husband come up to visit every second weekend or so which is great.
At her wedding last year
She's an amazing Aunty to my little boy, she's been there for us when Tim couldn't be. One day I had insane toothache and I just could not cope with Vincent who was only a few weeks old. She finished work early, caught the bus to my house and looked after Vincent while I slept. She was the only support {apart from my darling husband of course} that I had in Brisbane before I was diagnosed with PND and I am SO glad and SO lucky to have her in my life.

When I was pregnant with Vince I was terrified, I had no idea what to do. I'd finish work and go to her work and just bawl my eyes out because I realised I didn't know how to breastfeed or how to get the baby out. She would laugh and take me to lunch. I had a very hormonal first trimester haha.

He was about 6/7 months old. Ridiculous.
She got married last year, and I've watched her grow up and become so so SO much stronger than I ever thought she could be. I pray that Vincent & Edison will have a close relationship like Betty & I do. Or at the very least they can count on each other the way Betty and I can.

Anyway, enough raving about my sister, here she is!

Hi – I’m Max California’s little sister, Betty. I got up to some crafty stuff on the weekend so thought I’d show you a quick look! I had some old tins sitting in the recycling that I thought I could put to good use. I mean originally Max and I would have made a can walkie-talkie thing out of them or just tied them to our feet as stilts but I thought there might be some other uses now that we’re a little older.

So I went to Bunnings with my mum to grab some potting mix, herbs and couldn’t help but grab a cactus (They’re so darn cute and hardy although I’m pretty sure I’m the only person on the earth that can kill one -_- so this time fingers crossed!)

There were like a bijillion people there milling around so I felt like a bit of a goof ball walking around with a camera snapping herbs while my poor mother was the model for everything ^_^ but it sure was fun!

We found some kale. Mum was very excited. This is probably a bit of an “in joke” but basically my mother is obsessed with kale. Puts kale on everything. Always. Ever.

Okay now for the actual crafty part ^_^

Assorted cans and bottles
Material – I’ve used some spotty cotton
Hot glue gun and glue

I soaked the tins in hot water to clean them and to make it easier to remove the labels. Then I cut the water bottle in half and punched holes in all of the containers to enable drainage for your plants.

Then I placed each item on the material and cut a large strip to size. Make sure you leave enough space to flip the top over and cover the lip of the container. I then hot glued the material on and burnt the hell out of myself in the process haha.

I then glued my embellishments on and voila!


Assorted plants – I used herbs
Gardening gloves
Small spade
Potting mix
Nice spot where you can get really messy

Loosely shovel some potting mix into your pots. Use a little bit of water to dampen the mix while in the container. Then gently squeeze the bottom of the seedling container to loosen the plant and firmly press into your new pot. I actually ended up ditching the gardening gloves because they made it a little too hard to grab stuff.

Continue until you’ve re-potted all of the plants.

FINISHED PRODUCT - As you can see I also used an old tea cup because I had too many herbs.

Happy craftying crafteers!
Xx Betty

Oh geez. When I read it the first time it felt like something I would write! I guess we really are very much alike! Thanks Betty, SO much

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  1. Nice post Betty! May I suggest a mustache as an alternative to the black bow :{

  2. these are fabulous! and even look like something fun to do with my daughter whilst she is on school holidays :) thanks for the inspiration Betty :)

  3. These are really adorable (just like Betty)!


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