
By ari - July 27, 2012

I actually did take step by step photos of this, so as soon as I get the pieces scanned in and uploaded you'll be able to download the pattern!

This little capelet looks absolutely nothing like the inspiration I had. I didn't even really want to make the one I saved as inspiration, I just wanted to be reminded that I wanted to make a hooded cape. It wasn't until I started making the pattern pieces that I decided I should add a little Peter Pan collar also.

I gave this tutorial at Simple Simon & Co. a read through, just so I knew basically what I would be doing. The main part of the capelet is suppose to be a circle, but I made it more like an oval just so I would have that overlap at the front.

The fabric is this super soft corduroy I got from St Vinnie's, which is wear I always score the best secondhand fabric for so so cheap.

I lined it with the same floral fabric as the Rose Garden shirt dress, just to tie it all together. That fabric was from a quilt cover I also bought second hand.

I just used a snap to keep it together, since I have a million snaps and I have a dislike for buttonholes.

It was incredibly simple to make and line, which made me pleased. I'll be making more for her when she grows for sure.

And this is what it looks like with the matching dress.

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  1. So darling! I'm sure she'll look smashing in it. :)


  2. Major cuteness explosion! I love this litle capelet, and my head just about imploded when I realised the dress matched.

  3. Good day! I just came across your post and love the caplet and dress; do you still have the patterns for the caplet?

  4. Good day! I just came across your post for the caplet and dress and wanted to know if you still had the pattern; I just love it.


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